The festival program is divided into 3 panels – Together for the City, Sustainable City, and Professional Forum:

Together for the City is an opportunity to learn more, to express your own views on how to create a city and to find out more about the opportunities to participate in the process.


  • Essay Competition for the city „If I were (were not) an architect…“ in which you can participate until September 17th, 2015.
  • Two Public Debates about the future of the city – „Together for the City“ kindly invites all stakeholders in the process to participate;  „If I were (not) an architect…“ discusses the results of the Essay Competition and includes a Debate about the visions for the city.
  • Workshop for children in partnership with “Muzeiko” and “Architectural workshop for children.”

Sustainable City focuses on the best examples of sustainable urban and architectural development in partnership with the Bulgarian Council for Sustainable Development.


  • Presentation of projects for sustainable urban development, including the renovation project “Build Upon”.
  • Lecture and Discussion about the components of the sustainable urban environment with key stakeholders.

Professional Forum presents the best urban environment practices in Bulgaria and abroad through the shared experience of our Bulgarian and foreign guests.


  • Architectural Tours in the National Gallery – “Square 500” and in the Children’s Science Museum “Muzeiko”.
  • Lecture panel with Bulgarian and foreign architects, including representatives of the Ministry of Culture of France, the Order of Architects in Rome and the Order of Architects in Bucharest.
  • Exhibition program.


More details soon!



Tuesday, September 15
Panel “Together for the City”:

17:00 – Sofia through Children’s Eyes

Opening of Children’s photography exhibition and workshop for children

* the exhibition will be open from September 15th through September 22nd

Central House of Architects; 11, Krakra str. in Sofia

Wednesday, September 16

Panel “Professional Forum”:

18:00 – The Phenomenon of Building Towers in Israel and Tel Aviv

Opening of the Israeli architectural exhibition initiated by the Association of Friendship and Cooperation between Israel and Bulgaria, in cooperation with the Union of Israeli architects, the Union of Architects in Bulgaria, the Embassy of Israel in Bulgaria and the Municipality of Sofia

* the exhibition will be open from September 16th through September 26th

Central House of Architects; 11, Krakra str. in Sofia


Thursday, September 17– Day of Sofia

Panel “Professional Forum”:

15:00 – Architectural Tour in the National Gallery – “Square 500”

Led by the architects of the project – Yanko Apostolov Architects

National Gallery – “Square 500”; Sq. „St. Alexander Nevski „; 1, February 19th str.


18:00 – Official Opening of the ARCHITECTURAL FESTIVAL SOFIA 2015 and presentation of the program

Central House of Architects; 11, Krakra str. in Sofia


Friday, September 18

Panel “Together for the City”:

(all day) – PARKing Day – an annual worldwide event where artists, designers and citizens transform metered parking spots into temporary public parks.

Central House of Architects,  11, Krakra str. in Sofia


Wednesday, September 23

Panel “Professional Forum”:

15:30 – Architects and City: Contemporary Bulgarian Architecture

Opening of the exhibition of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, Sofia regional association (CAB – Sofia)

*the exhibition will be open from September 21th through September 27th

The bridge next to the National Palace of Culture


17:30 – The Making of (a New) Rome

Opening of the exhibition of the Order of Architects in Rome, OAR

* the exhibition will be open from September 23rd through October 5th

–   “Urban Context and Urban Environment” – Presentation of arch. Alessandro Ridolfi, vice president of the Order of Architects in Rome, OAR

– “Rigenerare Cirviale in Rome – International Design Competition” – Presentation of arch. Paola Rossi,

Central House of Architects,  11, Krakra str. in Sofia


September 21-27 – World Week of Sustainable Development (in partnership with the Bulgarian Council for Sustainable Development, BGBC):

           Thursday, September 24

Panel “Sustainable City”:

           18:00 – „Sustainable City and Urban Environment”

Lecture and Discussion with key stakeholders related to the creation of sustainable urban environment – Municipality, NGO, business, citizens

           Central House of Architects,  11, Krakra str. in Sofia


          Friday, September 25

Panel “Sustainable City”:

          18:00 –Presentation of Projects for Sustainable Urban Development

          Presentation of the projects Mild Home, Smart City, the renovation project “Build Upon“ and more

          Central House of Architects,  11, Krakra str. in Sofia


Friday, October 2

Panel “Together for the City”:

16:00 – 20:00 – Together for the City

Public Debate with the participation to all stakeholders in the development of the city – Municipality, Professional organizations, citizens and business

Central House of Architects,  11, Krakra str. in Sofia


Saturday, October 3

Panel “Together for the City”:

15:00-17:00 – NGOs fair  

Presentations of NGOs working in the field of Architecture and Urban Environment – their projects and the opportunities for civic participation

Central House of Architects,  11, Krakra str. in Sofia


18:00 – “If I were (not) an architect…“

Awarding of the winners  in the Essay Competition, Discussion about the results from the competition and debate about the visions for the city

Central House of Architects,  11, Krakra str. in Sofia


Sunday, October 4

Panel “Together for the City”:

10:00 – 18:00 – Playground of the Imagination

“Muzeiko” and “Architectural workshop for children”

Children’s Science Museum “Muzeiko”,  3, Professor Boyan Kamenov Str., Sofia 1700


Panel “Professional Forum”:

The Place and the Challenges Facing the Architects in the Modern City 


10:30 – 13:00

–             Renovation of historical city districts – arch. Alain Marinos, General Inspector of Architecture and Heritage, Ministry of Culture, France

14:00 – 16:00

–             Skyline Architekten, Austriaarch. Peter Todorov

–             Representative of the Chamber of Architects in Romania

–             Presentation of architectural studios

16:30  Hall 272

Presentation and opening of the exhibition for the hall named 272 of the Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski “ – arch. Krasimir Todorov and arch. Nikolay Traykov

Central House of Architects,  11 Krakra str. in Sofia


Monday, October 5  – World Architecture Day 2015

Panel “Professional Forum”:

11:00 Muzeiko Open its Doors for the Architects

Architectural Tour of the building, organized by Muzeiko and Triple Green Building Group

Children’s Science Museum “Muzeiko”, 3, Professor Boyan Kamenov Str., Sofia 1700

 17:00 – Skyline Architekten

Opening of the exhibition for the Vienna based architectural studio

* the exhibition will be open from October 5th

Central House of Architects,  11 Krakra str. in Sofia

 19:00 – Official Celebration of the World Architecture Day

Central House of Architects,  11 Krakra str. in Sofia



 The phenomenon of building towers in Israel and Tel Aviv

Israeli architectural exhibition initiated by the Association of Friendship and Cooperation between Israel and Bulgaria, in cooperation with the Union of Israeli architects, the Union of Architects in Bulgaria, the Embassy of Israel in Bulgaria, and the Municipality of Sofia. The exhibition is organized by the UAB and is part of the Municipality’s program in the occasion of the Day of Sofia.

* the exhibition will be open from September 16th through September 26th

* opening of the exhibition – September 16th at 18:00

Central House of Architects,  11 Krakra str. in Sofia


Architects and City: Contemporary Bulgarian Architecture

Exhibition of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, Sofia regional association (CAB – Sofia)

*the exhibition will be open from September 21th through September 27th

*opening of the exhibition – September 23rd at 15:30

The bridge next to the National Palace of Culture


The Making of (a New) Rome

Exhibition of the Order of Architects in Rome, OAR

* the exhibition will be open from September 23rd through October 5th

* Opening of the exhibition – September 23rd at 18:00

Central House of Architects,  11, Krakra str. in Sofia


Skyline Architekten

Exhibition for the Vienna based architectural studio Skyline Architekten

* the exhibition will be open from October 5th

* Opening of the exhibition – October 5th at 17:00

Central House of Architects,  11 Krakra str. in Sofia


“Hall 272”

Exhibition for the hall named 272 of the Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski “

* the exhibition will be open from from September 17th through October 5th

* Opening and Presentation – October 4th at 16:30

Central House of Architects,  11 Krakra str. in Sofia


Sofia through Children’s Eyes

Exhibition with Children’s Photography

* the exhibition will be open from September 15th through September 22nd

* Opening and Workchop for Children – September 15th at 17:00

Central House of Architects; 11, Krakra str. in Sofia